
Proposed Traffic Changes in Granford

Haynes原创...大约 2 分钟IELTSNotebookMaps


IELTS Cambridge 13: Test 1 Part 2


Start time: 03:37


  1. New traffic lights
  2. Pedestrian crossing
  3. Parking allowed
  4. New 'No Parking' signs
  5. New disabled parking spaces
  6. Widened pavement
  7. Lorry loading/unloading restrictions


14. New traffic lights

Answer: E

We already have a set of traffic lights in the High Street at the junction with Station Road, but we're planning to have another set at the other end, at the School Road junction, to regulate the flow of traffic along the High Street.

15. Pedestrian crossing

Answer: D

We considered putting this on School Road, just outside the school, but in the end we decided that could lead to a lot of traffic congestion, so we decided to locate it on the High Street, crossing the road in front of the supermarket.

16. Parking allowed

Answer: B

At present, parking isn't allowed on the High Street outside the libiary, but we're going to change that, and allow parking there, but not at the other end of the High Street near the School Road.

17. New 'No Parking' signs

Answer: G

There will be new 'No Parking' sign on school road, just by the enterance to the school, forbidding parking for 25 meters.

18. New disabled parking spaces

Answer: C

As far as disabled parking drivers are concerned, at present they have parking outside the supermarket, but the lorries also use those spaces, so we've got two new disabled parking spaces on the side road up towards the bank.

19. Widened pavement

Answer: H

We think we can manage to get an extra half-meter on the bend just before you get to the school, at the same side of the road.

20. Lorry loading/unloading restrictions

Answer: I

Finally, we've introduced new restrictions on loading and unloading for the supermarket, so lorries will only be allowed to stop there before 8 am. That's the supermarket on school road - we kept it to the existing arrangement with the High Street supermarket.

贡献者: HaynesChennn
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