

Haynes...大约 4 分钟Taylor SwiftMidnight




I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser

我年岁渐长 却未曾变得明智

Midnights become my afternoons

于我而言 午夜如同我的午后

When my depression works the graveyard shift

我的抑郁 也于深夜悄然来临

  • Graveyard - 墓地
  • Graveyard shift - 夜班

All of the people I've ghosted stand there in the room

我曾魂牵梦萦的人们 齐聚于我房中

I should not be left to my own devices


  • left to one's own devices - 任其自生自灭

They come with prices and vices


I end up in crisis


  • crisis - 危机

Tale as old as time


  • tale - 故事

I wake up screaming from dreaming

自睡梦中 猛然尖声惊醒

One day I'll watch as you're leaving

某日 我也会眼看你离去

Cause you got tired of my scheming

而我那些小伎俩 你早已厌烦

  • scheming - 阴谋/诡计

For the last time


It's me hi I'm the problem it's me


At teatime everybody agrees

喝茶闲聊时分 众人皆深以为然

I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror

我将直视太阳 却未曾直视镜中自己

It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero

与反英雄同仇敌忾 定会使人精疲力尽

  • root for - 支持

Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby


And I'm a monster on the hill

而我即为 山坡上的怪兽

Too big to hang out, slowly lurching toward your favorite city

庞然大物 他人无法接近 缓缓蹒跚至你最爱的城市之中

  • lurch - 蹒跚

Pierced through the heart but never killed

好似刺进我心胸 却未曾使我毙命

  • pierce - 刺穿

Did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism

你是否有注意到 我那乔装成无私 不与人知的自恋心理

  • covert - 隐蔽的
  • narcissism - 自恋
  • altruism - 利他主义

Like some kind of congressman


  • congressman - 国会议员

Tale as old as time


I wake up screaming from dreaming

自睡梦中 猛然尖声惊醒

One day I'll watch as you're leaving

某日 我也会眼看你离去

And life will lose all its meaning

而生活 也将会失去意义

For the last time


It's me, hi

这就是我 嗨

I'm the problem, it's me

我便为问题所在 这就是我

At teatime, everybody agrees

喝茶闲聊时分 众人皆深以为然

I'll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror

我将直视太阳 却未曾直视镜中自己

It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero

与反英雄同仇敌忾 定会使人精疲力尽

I have this dream my daughter-in-law kills me for the money

在我心间萦绕不绝的梦 我儿媳为了钱财将我杀害

  • daughter-in-law - 儿媳

She thinks I left them in the will


  • will - 遗嘱

The family gathers 'round and reads it and then someone screams out

家庭团聚一起 读着遗嘱 突然某人尖叫道:

  • gather 'round - 围拢

"She's laughing up at us from Hell!"


It's me, hi

这就是我 嗨

I'm the problem, it's me

我便是问题所在 这就是我

It's me, hi

这就是我 嗨

I'm the problem, it's me

我便是问题所在 这就是我

It's me, hi

这就是我 嗨

Everybody agrees, everybody agrees

众人皆深以为然 众人皆深以为然

It's me, hi

这就是我 嗨

I'm the problem, it's me

我即为问题所在 这就是我

At teatime, everybody agrees

喝茶闲聊时分 众人皆深以为然

I'll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror

我将直视太阳 却未曾望向镜中的自己

It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero

与反英雄同仇敌忾 定会使人筋疲力尽

贡献者: HaynesChen,HaynesChennn
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